Detail explanation■■■Difference from the original wolf game■■■① Scenario is differentIts a new scenario with a different wolf card drawer, victim, tricks, and more!② Appearance is differentThree new characters appear along with the original characters!③ It is full of new functions to enjoy charactersYou can enjoy new features to change your characters clothes or develop a relationship with the character!■■【Story】■■"Okay, draw a card.""Its *a precious card* that determines our *life*."15 men and women suddenly gathered in a mysterious building.There, she gets caught up in an enigmatic game called "Wolf Game."Each draws a card and is given the roles of a wolf and a sheep.A human who draws a wolf card must kill another one.The human who draws both cards must detect and execute who was the wolf in the Wolf Trials.The death game that risks life for escape begins now.■■【Overview of the game】■■①SearchYou can gather information about other participants by solving puzzles or devices in the building.② Wolf trialThe evidence you got at the Wolf Trials will help you fight against people you think are ``wolves and dig up opponents!③ EscapeWhen you survive to the end, can you really figure out the truth of the wolf game?That is the key to escape.■■【Charming elements】■■① Participate in "events" where you can get luxurious products!② Gather your characters special outfit and ``change clothes!③ Lets get an early clear bonus "Fan Book"!④ Lets complete the "performance"!■■【For streamers】■■Thank you for playing our game!There are some parts that allow and release video release and distribution of wolf games~anywhere~.【permission】Main story (including true end)Changing clothes【prohibition】Content other than permitted contentIn addition, the secondary usage rules are subject to the regulations listed as the link below.Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.■■【Material offer】■■ポケットサンド 効果音ラ보 小森 平 びたちー素材館 効果音辞典 効果音g ひふみセオリー 効果音フリー素材:지ーソザイ かずち ゆ~ぎりしぐれ。 まんぼう二等兵 ISAo. sirsoundorbis チョコミント こっけ(西本康祐) Yuli MFP【Marron Fields Production】荒井智典 志多つかさ Haruichi 鷹尾まさき(タカオマサキ) 稿屋 隆 スエノブ たまねぎ Kyaai Yuno ilodolly こおろぎ Keido Honda